Flagstone/Sandstone Floors can be hard to maintain and to clean...
Don't despair.. let me restore your sandstone flooring, so it looks like new again and is so much easier to maintain! -
Flagstone Floor restoration service in york, driffield, harrogate, beverley and surrounding areas
Don't despair.. let me restore your sandstone flooring, so it looks like new again and is so much easier to maintain! -
Flagstone & SANdstone floor restoration and cleaning service in york, beverley, harrogate and surrounding areas
Don't despair.. let me restore your sandstone flooring, so it looks like new again and is so much easier to maintain!
Case Study: Sandstone floor restoration, Cherry Burton, Beverley
Mr & Mrs. Gibson had a sandstone floor in the kitchen and dining areas, which was in need of restoration. As you will see the sandstone flooring would not clean up and so they turned to us to bring it back to new. The results speak for themselves and the beautiful floor sets these rooms off well, much to the delight of Mr & Mrs. Gibson...
Case Study: Flagstone Flooring Restoration - Patrington, Hull.
Mrs. Work had not long moved into her cottage where the ground floor was flagstone floors throughout. They had never had anything done to them apart from mopping, so it was decided that a full restoration was needed. We were called in to bring the flagstone floors up to the standard desired. After extensive work the flagstone floors where now a wonderful standout feature of this lovely cottage.
Case Study
Case study